September 2024 Connect Community Round-Up

Welcome to this month’s blog post! If you have any ideas for improving this blog, or any questions at all, please let me know in the Community Feedback Forum, or message me on the Fediverse (the link is in my profile). Thank you!

A huge welcome to all the newcomers; do feel free to explore the site and post/comment/reply in any of the forums and groups! The Share Space, and Connect Cafe, are probably good spaces to start; your input helps build the community.

We’ve had some interesting conversations over on the forums this month, including one in the Wellness and Resilience space about Resources for the Responder Community. While based on an emergency services program, their courses seem like a great source of support and advice. There was also a good discussion on CSAM over in the Mastodon Moderator space. Folks are also discussing how to handle conflicts between users here, and we learned about potential new support for moderators wishing to forward reports on Mastodon here.

We are still running this year’s Fediverse Moderator Needs Assessment, which you can find details of (and a link to the form) here. If you’re a moderator, please do fill it in; the questions are optional, and you can do it anonymously, but if you choose to put your name on it, only one person (Jaz) has access to your answers in any case.

FediForum came and went this month, in what was a really interesting and engaging community meet up. There were amazing demos, and great sessions throughout all three days. Keep your eyes peeled for the next one; it’s a great space for developers to show what they’ve been working on to improve the Fediverse.

The Library remains an amazing resource, with new articles being added all the time. If you have suggestions for articles, or feedback for existing ones, please let us know here.

Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful month, and thank you for contributing to discussions, asking questions, and helping us build this community up. See you next month. 🙂