Welcome to this months ‘round up’ blog post. If you have any ideas for improving this blog, or any questions at all, please let me know in the Community Feedback Forum, or message me on the Fediverse (the link is in my profile). Thank you!
IFTAS Connect went live on the 29th May 2024; it had previously been invite-only as a small number of moderators went through the site with a fine toothed comb, feeding back on its appearance and functionality. Now it’s gone live, we’ve had many more people sign up; current membership stands at 91 (as of 1st June 2024) which is a great start to the community! I’d like to personally welcome all the newcomers to what is already an engaging and beneficial website for all.
The Community Feedback forum has been busy with lots of ideas and suggestions, which is really helpful for those behind the scenes to get a good feel of what the members are experiencing. People have been introducing themselves and starting to get to know the other users. It’s lovely to see the community grow!
As for pertinent discussions this month, there’s been talk here about how a meditative app might be beneficial for moderators who’ve joined IFTAS Connect, so please feel free to have your say! There are discussions over on the Connect Cafe where newcomers have been adding their thoughts and ideas for improving the site. As always, the Library remains an amazing resource, with new articles being added all the time. If you have suggestions for articles or feedback for existing ones, please let us know here.
In moderation news, Jon and Lilian have been working really hard on a draft for The Moderator’s Handbook which is well worth a read. It’s interesting and engaging, concise and clear, and is a culmination of a lot of thought and hard work. They are looking for feedback, so do have a read and let them know what, if any, improvements can be made.
Over on Mastodon, there is about to be an update (4.3.0) – there’s a ‘notable UI/UX changes’ blog here if you’d like to see what changes are coming for your server.
That’s about it for this month. Do feel free to message me if there’s anything you’d like to see in next month’s round up, but for now, I’ll sign off with a warm welcome to the newcomers.
Thank you for reading!