Welcome to this month’s blog post. If you have any ideas for improving this blog, or any questions at all, please let me know in the Community Feedback Forum, or message me on the Fediverse (the link is in my profile). Thank you!
IFTAS Connect went live on the 29th May 2024 and our current membership now stands at 115!
Conversation is flowing, questions are being asked and answered, and I think we all appreciate the space in which to raise queries and be supported in a friendly and helpful way. Once again, I’d like to personally welcome all the newcomers. I hope you all feel comfortable to post, reply, and make yourselves at home.
There have been questions asked and discussions happening over on the Share Space, and the Connect Cafe, among other forums, and we’re getting a lot out of hearing your stories, opinions, and support.
In other news, IFTAS Connect would like to offer sponsored tickets to the Fedi-Forum this September.
FediForum is an excellent online ‘unconference’ where anyone can do a session on anything (discussed at the beginning of the day and ‘breakout rooms’ allocated for each session), and everyone has a voice. It’s community-led, and all about where the Fediverse fits into the internet, and how it can be used, improved, and inclusive. I went last February and cannot recommend it highly enough; it was warm and engaging, really interesting, and I found the sessions I wanted to attend were inclusive and informative. I strongly suggest you give it a shot, especially with IFTAS Connect covering the cost of the tickets for you.
As always, the Library remains an amazing resource, with new articles being added all the time. If you have suggestions for articles or feedback for existing ones, please let us know here.
Feel free to message me if there’s anything you’d like to see in next month’s round up, but for now, I’ll sign off with another warm welcome to the newcomers.
Thank you for reading!