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July 2024 Connect Community Round-Up

Welcome to this month’s blog post. If you have any ideas for improving this blog, or any questions at all, please let me know in the Community Feedback Forum, or message me on the Fediverse (the link is in my profile). Thank you!

With IFTAS Connect now also accepting membership from anyone wanting to use FediCheck and/or CARIAD lists for domain blocking, members now stand at 131 (as of the 3rd August 2024), which is fantastic. A huge welcome to all the newcomers; please feel free to explore the site and post/comment/reply in any of the forums and groups! The Share Space, and Connect Cafe, are probably good spaces to start; your input helps build the community!

IFTAS still has quite a few sponsored tickets to the FediForum this September. FediForum is an excellent online ‘unconference’ where anyone can do a session on anything (discussed at the beginning of the day and ‘breakout rooms’ allocated for each session); it’s interesting and informative while being relaxed and fun to attend. Mic and camera optional!

Towards the end of July, Jaz attended the Trust and Safety Convention (TrustCon) in San Francisco. There’s a thread here discussing some of the topics covered.

Over on Mastodon in our little corner it’s been quite a quiet month. The usual spam sign ups that need removing, and a couple of reports of some misinformation, but nothing too taxing for the moderators to handle.

Back to IFTAS Connect, and the Library remains an amazing resource, with new articles being added all the time. If you have suggestions for articles, or feedback for existing ones, please let us know here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for contributing across the forums and in the groups. Do feel free to let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see in next month’s round-up, and I’d like to leave this post with another warm welcome to the new members. See you in the next one!